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snow in shanghai


Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson

happy holiday

to the end of 2009, and everyone is looking for something new in 2010, with a high spirit. one thing i am happy about is, i have successfully completed my linkedin profile to 100%, and linked with over 200 professionals around the world. a tree in german center

The most commented blog entry

I don't understand what triggers this, but one of my recent blog entry about Tipping Point just smells so filthy now . It keeps attracting Japanese adultery sites' comments with all the words I don't fully understand, but I can guess based on certain kanjis.

Two piece of news

Hollywood actress Brittany Murphy is dead at 32 today. The collections of books and Buddha sculptures were stolen from the renowned scholar Xianlin Ji. 正所谓人生苦短,世事无常。 孔乙己说过,窃书不算偷。就钱文忠的描述来看,其实这次行动也不是小偷小摸,而是文化人一次明火执仗的抢掠。大概结果出来,也逃不出就是季羡林周围的那些人和那些团体。说实在的,大家都打着自己的小算盘,所以出现了僵持的局面,现在这种局面被另一种方法给打破了。如果早早捐了出来给国家或者北大图书馆,不就没这一出了。