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Firefox 3 RC1

Just installed Firefox 3 RC1. Finally the huge toolbar icon size problem is fixed on big DPI setting PC. The performance and resource are pretty. The URL AutoComplete is neat.

deposit a check

We received a check from US Citibank. Since we have a joint account there, the check has both of our names on it. To deposit it, I went to China Merchandise Bank. I was told they can't take this check since I don't have joint account in local, even if they can take it, the fee is about 300CNY. I was advised to go to Citibank Shanghai branch. The fee there is much more higher, about 700CNY, even it is the same Citibank. To deposit this check in Citibank Shanghai branch, I need to open a joint account there first, which must have initial 80K CNY balance on it. Again, I was told to try other China banks. I went to Bank of China. They take the check, it doesn't matter for them if it is joint account or not, and the fee is about 60CNY. The service is way too different bank to bank. Bank of China is the big brother bank in foreign currency exchange. The bank has some services other banks just can't compete.

one ads before the earthquake

it is one picture saying the event is as huge as 8 magnitude earthquake impacts. you know what, I believe around that time, the rumor about earthquake is surrounding in s ichuan, so the idea of this ads comes up.

Fatal accident in Shanghai TianLin Primary School

The accident was overshadowed by the earthquake, but it hits the family as hard as the 8 earthquake. Based on the blog, a grade 5 girl was found dead falling from school building. I tend to believe it is suicide case, and the teacher was harsh but not expecting this for sure. The ugly part is what happened afterwards. No party wants to take the responsibility, and shows only cold and stiff to the kid's family. This is the blog

Study Warned of China Quake Risk Nearly a Year Ago "The faults are sufficiently long to sustain a strong ground-shaking earthquake, making them potentially serious sources of regional seismic hazard," the Chinese, European, and U.S. geoscientists wrote in the mid-July 2007 edition of the journal Tectonics. They concluded that clashing tectonic forces were growing in Beichuan, ready to burst in an explosion of seismic energy. With precision and what now seems like eerie foresight, the researchers charted the active faults on multicolored maps of Beichuan , which turned out to be the epicenter of the recent earthquake.


很多回国的人都会抱怨国内人现在很浮躁,戾气重,人与人之间关系冷漠,会为了一些蝇头小利而相互算计。好像平时大家也就是这样生活着。但是历经大劫难的时候, 中华民族会自发的从一盘散沙汇聚成一股滚滚洪流,共赴国难。这就是我们中国人。越是在逆境的压迫下就越是坚韧。这就是为什么在一些外国人甚至国人自己眼中充满了各种各样劣根性的,但是依然生生不息的中华民族。我为自己是中国人而骄傲。

3-day national mourning

From May 19 to May 21, China is in 3-day national mourning for the earthquake victims. All big bosses are now showing up in news -- Hu and Wen in Sichuan , Jinping Xi in Shannxi , and Keqiang Li in Sichuan . It also sends out the message who could be the next generation national leaders. Jinping Xi's father is Zhongxun Xi, who is rooted in Shannxi and big guy for CCP .