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The Pursuit of Happyness

Watch out the Y in Happynes :-) It is a two-thumbs-up movie based on real people. The story is about how a black with only high school education made himself into a stock broker and further( There are quite a few movies in Hollywood based on the encouraging stories of real people, Beatiful Mind, Aviator, ... Now come back to China movie market, you see big screens such as Promise, Curse of the Golden Flower, Banquet, all those fucking nonsense, like black holes, one or two pieces a year. These movies actually damage the movie industry in China. They absorb all the resources to tell the same story perhaps happened besides the unknown king's bed. These movies are like huge monster alike trees, covering up all the lights, nothing can survive beneath. Can they stop drinking alcohol, and make some movies in sanity?

TV Channels

The big brother of TV in China is CCTV. It has dozen of channel, covering news, music, movie, social, sports, military and so on. Usually each province and big city has its own TV channel, some developed ones have more. Adds them up, easily you get fifty or sixty channels. The problem is not so many channels stand out, or most of them look just the same. Not a big problem. If it is too boring, you can buy piracy DVD for CNY 5 each, or install an 'illegal' satellite dish for two or three thousand of CNY.


从上海市政府一推出之初,就一直宣传持有上海人才类居住证,可以享受上海同等市民待遇,那既然可以享受上海高等市民待遇,那市政府为何不直接给那些“人才”以户口呢,而是只给居住证。通过下面的比较,你就不难看出上海市政府的良苦有心了。 持有上海市人才类居住证,用工单位就得为那些外地人来沪的“人才”交纳四金,可以享受上海市民同等待遇,听起来确实非常诱人。四金主要保括养老,医保,失业,公积金(还有工伤,生育由于比例较小,且个人不交费,这里不累述) 第一项, 养老,这个问题是最让上海市政府头疼的问题,因为现在上海老龄化问题尤其突出,再加上以前的历史问题,这部分老人中有很多人自已都没有交纳过养老金,那这部分人这么办呢?现在在职职工养老金交纳,单位承担22%(计入社会统筹),个人承担8%(计入个人帐户),这样的记帐方式,对本地人而言,是无可厚非的,而对居住证持有者来说,就苦了,因为你退休后,不可能持有上海市才类居住证,就算由于特殊原因持有,按现有的规定,也不可以在上海办理退休,按居住证制度,你只能转回原户口所在地,而转回部分只是你个人交纳部分8%,单位为你所交纳大块部分22%,只能留上海,作为上海的社会统筹,光这一项,就能算出,外地人为上海市政府作了多少贡献,另外一方面,也可以算出你的转回原籍,又给自已的家乡增加了多少负担(因为你没有为自已的家乡作出多少贡献,却要回来养老)。 第二项, 医保,单位承担12,个人交纳2%,同样方法,单位交纳的12%计入社会统筹,而只有2%计入个人帐户,这项呢,在上海工作期间还算是实际有用的,但事实上,你这个期间生病的概率应该较小。而在你退休后待到体弱多病时,你唯一的选择是,你的医保也只能转回原籍,同样,你也只能转出你自已交纳的2%,单位为你交纳的12%,也就只能为上海作贡献啦,同样,你又要给自已的家乡增加一份负担。 第三项, 失业保险单位交纳2%,个人承担1%,按上海目前的居住证制度,你基本是不能享受的,交了也白交(因为如果你失业,你就不可能持有居住证,而在上海的人才类居住证中70%以上都是一年期的),而没有居住证,你就不可能享有失业待遇。 第四项, 公积金,单位与个人各交7%,且全部计入个人帐户,只要你想在上海买房就可以100%的享受,这一项是唯一对外地人有实际意义的待遇。不过本项不是强制性的,因为现在的法律没有强制单位一定要为你交公积金,单位有权选...

Expense for a round trip between Shanghai and Beijing

1. Meglav from Longyang Rd to Shanghai Pudong Airport (PVG) -- 40 (Meglav runs between 700AM to 900PM. One trip duration is 8 minutes. 50 for one way ticket, 40 for one way ticket with airline ticket, and 80 for round trip.) 2. Flight from PVG to Beijing Capital Int'l Airport (PEK) -- 470 (Discounted price booked at, including 50 airport fee and 80 airline petrol fee. The flight duration is 1.5 hours.) 3. Taxi from PEK to Zhong Guan Cun -- 108 4. One night stay at Home Inns -- 170 5. Taxi from Zhong Guan Cun to PEK -- 100 6. Flight from PEK to PVG -- 1260 (Full price ticket bought at Airport counter) 7. Taxi from PVG to Longyang Rd -- 120

Home Inns (如家快捷酒店双清店)

I was once in Home Inns Zhangjian. It is a three-star hotel. Not bad except the location - it is located at the end of Zhangjian Hi-tech Park. Again I booked at for a Home Inns nearby Tsinghua University. The price is CNY170 per night. It is not so close to Tsinghua actually. The location is in a poverty zone. You definitely agree China is a developing country if you look around the hotel. The mattress is not firm. The room is not sound proof. The toilet flushing next room sounds just like in your room. The worst part, it has mosquito, in March!

Tsinghua University and Beijing University campus

To see more, please visit kunwei2005@flickr

House Price in Shanghai

Right now, the average price is 17000CNY/m2 for inner circle, 11000CNY/m2 between inner circile and middle circle, 9000CNY/m2 between middle circle and outer circle, 7000CNY/m2 for outer circle and futher. Zhang Jian High Tech is around the outer circle.