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三天不学习, 赶不上刘少奇啊.

最近我老工作比较忙, 周五有空上网溜达, 才发现很多事情啊. 国内现在出了部超火的电影叫'疯狂的石头', 什么时候新加坡有卖, 一定要看. 加拿大的一个清华毕业plus美加双料博士跳高速自杀, 这可不是什么好事儿. 面子薄, 心气高, 人太忠厚, 这样的人活着累啊. 看看这位, 南昌大学的校长吹出来的, 估计上了个小当. "在南昌大学有一位名叫莫亚平的教授,他曾是1985年的TOEFL状元,已在美国斯坦福大学获得计算机、MBA、语言等5个博士学位,现任南昌大学外国语学院院长,其年薪为1元人民币。“他不是来赚钱的,他看重的是学校为他提供能充分施展才华的这个平台。" 5 Stanford University Ph.D degrees? Even MBA PhD? Does this sucker know what MBA stands for?


娘惹(NYONYA)文化就是清朝时候下马六甲的华人和当地土著通婚后的所演生出来的文化,所以看起来很象中国的装扮, 但是又有其特色. 娘惹菜就很中国菜大相径庭了, 风味独特.

Long and winding roads

Singaporean sure is not so creative to name the streets. If you enter the NTU, you will find so many streets start with Nanyang - Nanyang Crescent, Nanyang Walk, Nanyang Drive, Nanyang Avenue, Nanyang this, Nanyang that, get you lost in Southern Ocean. Similar to many places, the street names are so similar in nearby area, Jalan this , Bukit that. In downtown area, there is no straight east-west or north-south main street. All the roads are winding. Some streets even change the name after several blocks.

West Coast Park vs East Coast Park

East Coast Park is a big relaxation park all along the Singapore east beach. Sea, wind, sand beach, coconut tree, bikini skaters, kids with sand toys. The parking is usually free. Lots of good restaurants. It almost as good as the Sentosa Island. West Coast Park is a tiny park. It is a shame under such a name. No beach, no sand, all you can see is a wall of cargo containers.


This is my car. So far, I have bought 4 cars - Chevy Celebrity for USD 800 - Mazda 323 for USD 3,000 - Mazda 626 for USD 12,000 - Hyundai Matrix for SGD 52,000 You can roughly tell the year of car in Singapore based on the plate number, unless the driver reuses the old plate. The plate number in Singapore starts with S, stands for Singapore, and F is around 2005, G is around 2006. 3 alphabets - 4 numbers - one more alphabet. Some good numbers can be bid, such as 6,8,9.


新加坡华人面部有些特别的特征, 一看就知道不是中国人. 女的当然有特色就别有一番地域的风韵了. 大概人在不同的地方一代代下来, 水土气候什么的, 人也会发生一些小小的进化或者退化. 有两种特别显眼的特征, 比例并不高, 但是一看就忘不掉的. 一种是突下巴. 一种是大肉鼻. 按照面相来说, 鼻大有肉是有福气的. 根据我的观察, 很有道理.