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PC Show and Book Expo

There are two expos in Suntec Convention Center, PC Show and Book Expo. Very interesting, for whatever show related to PC, there are lots of people coming for deal. Basically it is just a big sale market, everyone is busy selling and buying. If you want to get a preview of Windows Vista, or technical briefing on Intel latest chips, no way. Book Expo is good. I wrote in another blog there are not enough Chinese bookstores in Singapore, and the selection is not wide. It is wonderful to have such a book expo. So many Chinese books, I even don't know which one to buy! Inside PC Show Escalator inside Suntec Expo

Food Court in Singapore

Singapore has hundreds of food courts located in HDB community, shopping mall, industry park, everywhere. Some are air-conditioned, some are outdoors. Ever since a person can chew, the eating outside has begun. One hand with spoon, another with chopsticks. Many big food court properties are state owned, such as CapitaLand, Keppel Land. To make sure the food variety, no same food style within one food court, but you will find the similar food stalls in every food court, Minced Pork Noodle, Laksa, Rice&Vege, Chicken Rice, HK Roasted, Korean, Japanese, Malay, Indian, ... Too hot to cook at home, and eat outside is economic. 3 or 4 SGD a meal. Even better, free aircon cool. Just one thing, keep healthy food in mind. Kopitiam food court in Jurong Point shopping center.

Best of Singapore View

That is about it. Skyscrapers + Green trees. One city got this view, it is sure a developed country.


这个绝对是新加坡的享誉全球, 历史悠久, 风味独特的一道饭了. 太有名了, 以至于张艾嘉专门拍了部以此为片名的电影. 为什么叫这个名字呢? 大概是从海南下南洋的华人传过去的, 或者是新加坡人在海南吃了以后喜欢的紧, 引进了来. 饭里的东西很简单 - 白切鸡, 鸡汤泡过的米饭, 两片老黄瓜和一碗汤. 那两片老黄瓜是不要指望能吃的. 和炒粿条大同小异, 以吃饱为主, 几乎没有菜. 这两道饭也反射出当初下南洋的华人生活的艰苦. 不过海南鸡饭不象炒粿条那么油腻. 吃起来也是很香的. 更有意思的是, 小朋友们很喜欢. 泡饭鸡肉, 的确对小朋友也很有益. 如果能与时俱进, 改进一下, 配上新鲜蔬菜就更好了.


也算是新加坡的一道风味小吃. 应该是源自福建. 非常新加坡的网站有作法的介绍. 网站说的没错, 真的是给穷人吃的. 炒出来看着黑黑的, 大概是放了很多酱的缘故,油乎乎的. 好吃是很好吃, 但是吃到肚子里象石头一样沉. 我吃了两次, 下午肚子都觉得涨. 坐OFFICE的还是少吃为妙. 做法: 燒熱大油鍋後倒入3/4油或豬油,把火候稍為調小,將蒜茸爆香/炒至呈金黃色。倒入粿條,豆芽和菜心,炒勻大約兩分鐘後推至一旁。在鍋的中央把剩下的油或豬油倒入燒熱後加入蛋液,然后與粿條一起炒。接著加入參巴辣椒醬與粿條,蛋汁一起炒均勻再加入魚露和甜黑醬油將材料一起炒勻大約一、兩分鐘。最後倒入臘腸、蝦肉、熟蘇東和海鮮上湯炒。趁熱上桌。

Who will build the largest observation wheel?

Singapore is planning to build the observation wheel (something like ferris wheel) named Singapore Flyer . The Singapore Flyer is targeted to operate before CNY 2008. Based on wiki, it is 150m in diameter, and 178m high. Beijing also made the same decision, but bigger. The target is before 2008 Olympics. It is 198m in diameter, and high 208m high. Several other countries are in this competition too. Anyway, it is apparently the Asia comes to an era to worship technology, to break engineering world record, and build even more magnificent man-made landmarks in the globe. But, remember one thing, the western did this years ago, and they are happy to participate these prosperous projects.


讲四个30多岁的单身女人在北京寻找爱情的故事。蒋雯丽,那英,梁静,罗海琼。不错。刚看了一集。大陆拍的就是看起来有意思。其实就是大陆版的《涩女郎》, 《Sex and City》。看来女单身的故事就是好看啊。如果拍四个单身男的故事, 不知道是什么个效果。