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今年春节回宝鸡, 去姥姥和姥爷的墓地拜了拜. 今年算是大家来了比较全了, 和我一辈的表弟表妹烧纸烧的太旺了, 连旁边的松树都着了火. 幸好刚下过雪, 及时灭了火. 舅舅说是姥姥和姥爷太高兴了. 姥爷是2003年春节时候过世的. 姥姥去世已经很多年了, 想不起来了(后来问了一下,是1993年). 看年轻时候的照片, 是帅气的山东小伙和漂亮的山东姑娘. 当初因为战乱, 他们一家子从山东枣庄逃难到了西北. 家里四个女儿, 两个儿子. 姥爷给我说在山东的事儿, 一次飞机扫射, 幸好大家都躲了起来, 回来看坑上都是弹坑. 姥爷好象在什么地方还当过警察. 据说穿着马靴, 很帅很精神. 后来在拓石安顿下来. 姥爷在铁路上班, 姥姥则一直做家庭妇女. 小时候, 每到了寒暑假, 就特别希望去姥姥和姥爷家玩. 从宝鸡坐慢车往西, 晃晃荡荡到一个小站, 拓石. 沿坡往他们家走去, 旁边可以看见一个大沟, 里头家家户户种的菜, 当然也有姥姥和姥爷种的. 很喜欢去菜园里玩, 各种各样的水果蔬菜, 花草树木. 印象特别深的就是豆角开的那种紫色的花. 当时住的都是一排排的平房. 不过很大. 到了家, 姥姥和姥爷看见我们很开心. 姥姥就在厨房忙乎起来了. 常常会杀只半大的小鸡, 做辣子炒小鸡吃, 东西都是自家种的养的, 味道格外得香. 当然也可能是那时候没那么多好吃的吧. 如果暑假回去, 还有很多新鲜的水果可以吃, 什么苹果, 桃, 五味子, 核桃的. 姥姥好像不爱出远门. 姥爷有时候也去宝鸡玩. 记得有一次到我家, 和我一起去姜城堡溜答, 还给我买了一大包高梁糖. 后来姥爷退休, 从拓石搬到了宝鸡. 铁路的单位房子, 自然也是邻着铁路. 姥姥和姥爷刚开始搬来, 还不习惯. 过了没多久, 就把一楼阳台后面该改装成了一个小花园. 里头种了葡萄, 地雷花, 还有很多其它的花花草草. 养了金鱼. 到了夏天, 屋里很凉快, 就是有些暗. 我因为在外地上学, 也是假期的时候才去看看他们. 时间过的真快. 记得当初我小舅家的小孩还只会坐在床上, 也就一两岁把, 现在都已经上大学了. 每次去姥姥都好象在厨房里忙. 总是笑眯眯的. 好象看着我们吃她做的东西就是她很大的快乐. 姥姥的身体很健康, 从来不记得她生病. 她也是闲不住, 非要和周围的几个老太太去铁路边捡东西. 有一天, 又和大家出门了. 刚走没多一会儿...


以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻 以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻 以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻 以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻 以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻 以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻 以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻 以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻

Zap, Zap, Zap

Zap, zap, zap, .... tummy; Zap, zap, zap, .... butt; Zap, zap, zap, .... thigh. Faint! Who made this commercial should be shot! What a fucking stupid and annoying shit! It sounds like some bugs buzzing around you, especially when it is played repeatedly in the shopping mall. This commercial is for a slim vibration belt. We did buy one and left it collecting dust in the storage room. Is it a dream-come-true solution? You sit in the coach with this belt vibrating, loose weight and get slim.

Shaanxi Fork Art

NTU Motor Fest

Two days program during this weekend. Interesting, car show within campus.

Singapore NATAS 2006

NATAS stands for National Association of Travel Agents Singapore. It is an annual event that travel agents gather up to prompt their feature travel packages, and discounted air tickets. Since there are some great deals, to prevent over crowded, the entrance fee is SGD 3. I bought an one away ticket from Singapore to Harbin, plus tax, SGD 620. On my side, there are a group of Nanyang Girl's Highschool students buying tickets for summer break. Very interesting, how come those Chinese girls end up to study high school in Singapore?

Singapore Permanent Resident Application Submitted

After staying in Singapore for about a year, we decided to apply for SPR. There are some benefits as SPR, such as the deposit when we applied the StarHub Cable can be refunded back, can participate the CPF saving plan, can have some subsidy on child daycare expense. (well, this can can saying style is very Singlish :) The application is simple. Go to , fill out the form, and make lots of document photocopies. As Employment Pass based, you need ask your Employer HR a favor to fill out one page. Check your company policy regarding this part. So far, I have worked at two Singapore based companies, one need 1 year employment, one need 1 day employment. Once all the paperworks are done, go to ICA and wait in queue. An Indian young lady processed my application. She is very nice, comply to my impression to most Indian young ladies. One thing I forgot to copy was mine and my wife's birth certificates. Luckily I brought the official no...