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周六去大拇指广场玩,其实浦东人民基本的商业中心就这几个(正大广场,第一八佰伴),转到二楼,突然闺女说肚子饿,就就近进了一家意大利餐厅。大拇指广场大部分的餐厅都在一楼,二楼开餐厅,自然有他自己的特色。进了餐厅,发现里面竟然有东南亚人种的服务员。厨师也有一个光头老外。里面十几张桌子,加上我们只坐了三桌。另外两桌都是外国人。坐在窗边,晒着冬日里的阳光,都快睡着了。 先上了一篮面包,边吃边看菜单。基本是按照美元定价。贵就少点,一个皮萨,一个汤,一杯饮料。200大洋。味道也很地道,和在国外吃的不相上下。饭后还一小杯柠檬酒。


install oracle 10g on ubuntu 8.10

installation here is the ultimate guide, follow the same steps for 10g. env the $ORACLE_HOME and other env variables can be set by creating a shell under /etc/profile.d/, also remember to set $ORACLE_SID. more /etc/profile.d/ #!/bin/bash export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oraibex export ORACLE_ OWNR =oracle export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export ORACLE_SID=intrepid dbconsole to access the web console, login http://localhost:1158/em/ as system and password specified during db creation. the console is managed by emctl start dbconsole sqlplus to connect with sqlplus remotely, first use netmgr on server side to configure. :/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oraibex/network/admin$ cat listener. ora tnsnames . ora # listener. ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oraibex/network/admin/listener.ora # Generated by Or

fedora 9 on vmware

UI is as good as Ubuntu , but mouse doesn't work well inside vmware , and software update is slow.

opensuse 11 kde on vmware

Comparing to Ubuntu 8.10 on vmware , OpenSUSE 11 with KDE's UI aspects (layout, font, screen resolution) are not good at all. Mouse navigation is poorly supported on the vmware .

opensolaris 2008.05 on vmware

OpenSolaris is derived from the Unix System V Release 4 codebase. It demands more resources comparing to other popular Linux distros. It runs slow on a VMware player with 512MB allocated. Hardware support is not so good. Some small tools are not so stable. Chinese IME comes handy. Features: Solaris Zones. Provide the ability to partition a machine into numerous virtual machines, each of which is isolated from the others. DTrace . A comprehensive dynamic tracing tool for investigating system behavior, safely on production machines. New IP stack. Providing vastly increased performance. ZFS. A 128-bit, state-of-the-art file system, with end-to-end error checking and correction, a simple command-line interface, and virtually limitless storage capacity.

