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Showing posts from August, 2010

fish tank

Tank was bought on taobao. Fishes and plant are from local pet market. Shells are picked from Sanya's bearch.

Fisherman Hat from Hainan

It costs CNY45, and heavy. Not sure why it is in such a shape, but if it is turned upside down, it can be some sort of container. A scene with many of these hats

Jessie Doll

© kunwei2005

1000 Best Reviewers at Amazon

Not bad, it is not but

Dickin Medal

It is a special medal for the animal heroes in the war. Most recipients are pigeons, dogs, or horses. Just one cat made to the list so far. His name is Simon . His story is somehow related to civil war time in China.

Remember me, the movie

I haven't done movie review for quite long, since nothing was that impressive to write something. I watched some movies at theatre, such as Toy Story 3, and seven little monks, all junky . I also watched some on the HD movie channel, and some through the emule . One movie I am really expecting is Inception . One movie to mention is Salt, very typical Hollywood made, packed with actions. Another movie is Remember me. It started with the scene of NYC subway station in 80's. The girl's mother was robbed and murdered. I watched first half, and just can't stand it - another Romeo and Juliet? Yesterday I finished the second half, and it seems just a love story - spoiled rich kid, troubled fatherhood, all looks so normal, until the last minute. Location: WTC Time: morning, Sep 11, 2001. This is the turning moment for US, and the world. The world is fundamentally changed after that point. Now it is almost Sept in 2010, you can still feel it. Well, I guess the next ticking poin...

NYC subway in 80's

In Gladwell's book tipping point , to isolate the epidemic's 3 contributing factors, one example taken is the zero tolerance policy for fare-beating and vandalism on the NYC subway. I had no idea what it looked like back then, until when I saw this blog .

high performance web sites rule1: make fewer http requests rule2: use a cdn (content delivery network) rule3: add an expire header rule4: gzip components rule5: put stylesheets at the top rule6: put scripts at the bottom rule7: avoid css expression rule8: make javascript and css external rule9: reduce dns lookups rule10: minify javascript rule11: avoid redirects rule12: remove duplicate scripts rule13: configure etags rule14: make ajax cacheable

two rocks converse

Group Discussion


袁老师的历史讲义终于看完了,中国历史和世界近代史大串讲,1到4. 不得不佩服现在的新闻出版行业的开明,这样的书都出版了。袁老师在叙述世界近代史的时候,基本就把社会主义看作历史的倒退,和实践的失败。把苏联看作比德国法西斯还流氓的国家。看到苏联解体,东欧剧变,真是兴奋到极点。对美国这个民主国家的崇拜之情溢于言表。个人觉得,随着中国经济改革和快速发展,加之网络的普及,思想文化领域的价值观的碰撞以后会越来越激烈。甲方高尚,乙方低俗,你越高尚,我越低俗。甲方主旋律,乙方戏虐,你越正统,我越恶搞。

a wedding car under my apartment


DIY -- last step illustration of buddha beads bracelet

Not another sex expo

I posted one blog long time ago about sex expo in Singapore . It was something back then in Singapore. Comparing to that one, I don't know what you feel about this expo in Shanghai. Guess what, it is just an expo for online gaming. How are these show girls related to that? (photos from internet)

scolding business on taobao

feel stressed and pissed off? and want let it out in a managed way? try the new business on taobao . for 1 CNY , you can scold, yell, and curse whatever you want for 10 minutes, and it is free shipping:) good deal, and in one seller's site , the service is sold 66 times already.




经过三个多小时的飞行, 飞机在五指山绕了弯,滑过清澈的南海,缓缓地降落在三亚凤凰机场。到了酒店,放下行李,就迫不及待的冲向了海边。人一下子从喧嚣匆忙中静了下来。大概是下午的缘故,海边没有什么人,椰树,草亭,海浪一阵阵的拍打着沙滩,留下一片片白色的贝壳。虽然大家都是来海边度假,但是很少有人去海里游泳。大部分都是在酒店的泳池里泡着。上海的浦东,崇明也可以考虑多修建这样的海边休闲场所。


提起海南岛,大家一定都会想起天涯海角这个成语。天朝时期,国人认为世界是从帝都辐射开来的,到来海南岛,就算是到了天之涯,海之角了。超过海南岛以远的,就全都是和猴子一个界别的未开化人种了。当时在大石头上写下天涯和海角的文人,心情一定很复杂,即充满了大国泱泱开化子民的自豪感,又充满了流落天边远离帝都的落寞感。我依稀还记的小时候看过一张什么人站在天涯海角边的照片,哇,这么远,觉得很酷。 从酒店到天涯海角开过去,路边基本上都是偏僻的村落,也看不到什么人。天涯海角公园进去,刚走了几步,已经热的人没了兴致。上了一部游览车,开到终点,还要走好一大段。终于看到了南天一柱,和天涯海角石。嘿嘿,其实狠没有什么奇特的,怪不得藏的这么深。