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Showing posts from January, 2010

buyer experience at gewara

I bought the movie ticket online before. The experience was okay. I bought the tickets at Gewara for the movie the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf this weekend, the buyer experience was great. The ticket price at box office is CNY90. The price on the Gewara? CNY60. After I paid online, I received the SMS confir mation message. On the same day, I received another reminder for the movie. When we arrived the theater, there was a Gewara stand to handle the ticket for us. They gave out the franchised Calendar, Card, Pin as while. It is a successful marketing for themselves, since all the kids around want the free gifts. Before the movie start, they hosted a small prize draw for all the Gewara buyers. The movie itself sucks.


I get lucky and won the second prize during the company's annual party. It is a compact 10" Asus notebook. Since I have too many computers, I sold it at CNY 2000. With that money, I bought something very fun at Taobao . It is a Wii set, with a Wii console, 2 controllers, and a Wii Fit. The price is CNY 2000. Wii is not officially released in China mainland market, so all the Wii are smuggling version. I am now jogging, skating, boxing at home. I know, it is not the same as real outdoors sports, at least I can do some exercises with fun, instead of just sitting in the coach. The detail product spec and reviews are available at Amazon .


因为上海全市从去年起就大搞建设,为世博做贡献,满大街都是土方车,搅拌车等等大型基建车辆,轰隆隆的呼啸而过。特别是最近以来,几乎每天撞死一人的频率,成为大家关注的焦点。土方车因为体积大,车身高,往往撞上就是被卷入车下,碾压而过,惨不忍睹。这则新闻就很有意义。不管多么强大,这个世界上总有更强大的。 昨天深夜11时许,松江书林路近新车公路处一火车道口发生险情。由于道口栏杆在火车将至时没有及时放下,一辆混凝土搅拌车正巧驶来,与火车机车头猛烈碰撞。搅拌车的混凝土滚筒和车轮被撞飞,车身被火车头拖行约50米,严重扭曲变形;幸好30多岁的司机躲过一劫,自行爬出车外,并无大碍。 2010年 ●1月26日上午8时40分,长宁区古北路茅台路路口,一辆土方车小转弯时撞倒一辆电瓶车,车上36岁的母亲和年仅5岁的儿子头部遭碾压,当场身亡。 ●1月26日上午8时30分左右,浦东新区东陆公路杨高北路路口,一辆未挂牌照的搅拌车将一名过路口的骑电瓶车的妇女当场压死。 ●1月23日18时45分许,杨浦区政立路淞沪路口,一辆土方车在拐弯时,将一骑电瓶车的42岁安徽籍女子撞倒,经医院抢救无效死亡。 (1月19日晚8时许,中兴路大统路路口,一辆土方车车速过快,拦腰撞上一辆红色出租车,所幸未造成人员伤亡。) ●1月19日9时许,曹安路黄家花园路口,一土方车小转弯时与一辆电动车相撞。驾驶电动车的1名40岁左右女性当场死亡。土方车驾驶员称,事发时电动车在车道上逆向行驶。但目击者称土方车转弯过小。 ●1月18日晚22时30分许,杨浦区黄兴路控江路路口,一辆搅拌车在小转弯时撞倒一辆直行的自行车后继续一路拖行,骑车的16岁女孩死亡。 ●1月18日上午8点15分左右,普陀区真光路、近武宁路路口,一名82岁高龄的老太太被一辆高速行驶的大型车撞倒后拖行数米,老人被撞重伤,肇事车当场逃逸。目击者称肇事车可能是土方车。 ●1月10日11时左右,杨浦区军工路海安路口,一辆搅拌车右转弯时撞死一名骑车女子。 ●1月6日下午,静安区常德路愚园路口,一辆水泥搅拌车在小转弯时挂倒一辆助动车,骑车男子半个身子被卷入轮下,左腿受伤。 ●1月6日上午10点左右,闵行区金都路、都会路路口“星河湾一期”商品房工地内,一辆土方车在倒车时,车速过快,轧死一名59岁工人。死者只在工地上了一天的班。 ●1月4日15时左右,华夏西路沪南路路口,一辆右转的土方车与...

a HD media player

This HD media player sold on newegg china is a good deal. It comes with compact design, in the size of a textbook, at a competitive price of 299CNY (below 50USD). It supports any USB storage, decodes and plays many video formats, such as TS、TP、MKV、RM、RMVB、AVI、MPG、DAT、VOB、MOV, plus image, music and picture. To watch a HD movie, all it takes is a USB key and a HDMI cable to the HD TV.

Google back down, and Baidu COO/CTO out.

No official news from Google yet, but it seems Google is back down to stay in China. Certainly the 2 biggest search engines in China recently stir a whole lot of stuffs recently. Now Baidu CTO and COO are all out for "personal reason". If in a conspiracy world, the rumor said that insiders from Google stole the source code, and maybe sold to some interested parties?


abc here stands for agricultural bank of china, which is still in grade one, or maybe pre -school level. first of all, what the lame name for a bank. i have a bank account with this abc bank, because my house loan was from this bank. the online banking never works, even after the system upgrade, " yah , we have a new system, but we don't allow you to access it." try this , it will always say wrong password. yesterday, when i was trying to get some money from abc's atm , i met the weird failure. after i entered the password, and amount of money, it aborted with communication failure and emitted my card. even worse, i heard the machine was counting the money after that! i had to stay here, to make sure there are no bills out. after waiting for a while, the machine was quite down. i went to another atm to get cash, and make sure the previous transaction was terminated successfully. luckily, it was the cas...


早上去开车,突然发现车钥匙完全拧不动。除了车钥匙没用,方向盘锁住,闸也踩不下去,好像充满了气。幸好手头有上次检修汽车的电话。打了过去,才知道怎么回事。 解析:方向盘锁死,几乎所有的轿车都具备这个功能:每次用完车拔下钥匙后,轻轻转动一下方向盘,就听“啪”的一声,方向盘就锁止了。虽然和大多数电子防盗器相比,方向盘锁显得原始,但对于盗贼来说,即使成功地将车启动,方向盘也无法转动,因此仍然具有很好的防盗作用。但是,有时停车时方向盘摆放在某一个角度,而这个角度正好仅够扭动钥匙点火而不能解锁,就会出现上述情况。这时,车主应该右手轻拧钥匙,左手轻转方向盘,方向盘就自然解锁了。

google's new approach to china operations , it is official google blog, and it is blocked in china, like all the other blogspot blogs. "We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down, and potentially our offices in China."

baidu hacked

this registered baidu site is safe though, what a sick site name, it means mom says so, no matter how long your domain name is, baidu can search it out.




稽首文殊,寒山之士;南无普贤,拾得定是。 昔日寒山问拾得曰: 世间谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我、如何处治乎? 拾得云:只是忍他、让他、由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他、再待几年你且看他。 寒山云:还有甚诀可以躲得? 拾得云:我曾看过弥勒菩萨偈,你且听我念偈曰: 老拙穿衲袄,淡饭腹中饱,补破郝遮寒,万事随缘了。 有人骂老拙,老拙只说好;有人打老拙,老拙自睡倒; 涕唾在面上,随他自干了,我也省力气,他也无烦恼, 这样波罗蜜,便是妙中宝。若知这消息,何愁道不了。 人弱心不弱,人贫道不贫,一心要修行,常在道中办, 世人爱荣华,我却不待见,名利总成空,我心无足厌, 堆金积如山,难买无常限。子贡他能言,周公有神算, 孔明大智谋,樊哙救主难,韩信功劳大,临死只一剑, 古今多少人,那个活几千。这个逞英雄,那个做好汉, 看看两鬓白,年年容颜变,日月穿梭织,光阴如射剑, 不久病来侵,低头暗嗟叹,自想年少时,不把修行办, 得病想回头,阎王无转限,三寸气断了,拿只那个办。 也不论是非,也不把家办,也不争人我,也不做好汉, 骂着也不言,问着如哑汉,打着也不理,推着浑身转, 也不怕人笑,也不做脸面,儿女哭啼啼,再也不得见, 好个争名利,须把荒郊伴。我看世上人,都是精扯谈, 劝君即回头,单把修行干,做个大丈夫,一刀截两断, 跳出红火坑,做个清凉汉,悟得长生理,日月为邻伴。 寒山拾得的 诗词 。


周末看了虚云法师的一本书,前面禅修部分也没什么特别的感悟,但是看了后半部分的虚云自述年谱,敬佩之情油然而生。老和尚活了一百二十岁,无愧近代禅宗一代法师。虚云是中国禅宗第十七代祖师,曹洞四十七代,临济四十三代,云门第十二代,法眼第八代,沩仰第八代。虚云一生淡泊,禅修苦行令人钦佩,重兴大理鸡足山迎祥寺(祝圣寺),兴昆明西山华亭寺(云栖寺),江西云居山真如寺,历任福建鼓山、广东南华、云门诸大寺住持。 虚云的 年谱 摘录如下。 以上三年住山洞。此三年中。居则岩穴。食则松毛。及青草叶。渴则饮涧水。日久裤履俱敝。仅一衲蔽体。头上束金刚圈。须发长盈尺。双目炯然。人望见之以为魅。怖而走。予亦不与人言谈。 初 一二年。时见胜境。不以为异。一心观照及念佛。处深山大泽中。虎狼不侵。蛇虫不损。不受人怜。不食人间烟火。幕天席地。万物皆备于我。心中欢悦。自以为四 禅天人也。夫世人之患。为口体耳。古人有所谓以一钵轻万钟者。我今并一钵而无之。无碍自在。因之胸次洒然。体力日强。耳目聪明。步履如飞。自问亦不自知其 所以然。后一年。乃随心所欲。随意所之。有山可住。有草可食。行行重行行。不觉又一年矣。 到显通寺住下。先到附近各刹进香。遍问文吉其人。无有知者。后与一老僧说及情由。老僧合掌曰。‘文殊菩萨化身也。’予即顶礼谢。 予进香礼拜时。忽闻大钟三声。土人均欢呼礼拜。称有异人至。则闻钟鼓鱼磬声。我等曾闻一二次鼓磬声。未闻大钟声也。今师傅礼拜闻大钟声。其有道乎。予谢弗敢。时己丑年七月三十日也。 一夕。夜放晚香时。开目一看。忽见大光明如同白昼。内外洞澈。隔垣见香灯师小解。又见西单师在圊中。远及河中行船。两岸树木种种色色。悉皆了见。是时才鸣 三板耳。翌日。询问香灯及西单。果然。予知是境。不以为异。至腊月八七。第三晚。六枝香开静时。护七例冲开水。溅予手上。茶杯堕地。一声破碎。顿断疑根。 庆快平生。如从梦醒。自念出家漂泊数十年。于黄河茅棚。被个俗汉一问。不知水是甚么。若果当时踏翻锅灶。看文吉有何言语。 指已燃毕。予自起立礼佛。 京中大乱。六月天津失守。七月联军陷北京。时王公大臣。有住龙泉寺者。与予相熟。乃劝予偕伊等随扈跸西行。 发视之。已霉高寸许坚冰如石。复成讶曰。‘你一定已半月矣。’ 予在关中。迎祥寺一僧人至。称寺有放生雄鸡重数斤。极凶恶好斗。群鸡皆被伤冠羽。予即为说归戒。且教令念佛。未久。不复斗。独栖树上。不伤虫...

buy movie ticket online

I would say the e-commerce in China is really flourish. I am buying on taobao regularly. I am an VIP. Yesterday when I was searching the info the movie Avatar, I saw some movie ticketing sites. The biggest two are wangpiao( ) and gewara( ). At least I saw the kiosk. I tried wangpiao. It offers real time seat selection. The purchase steps is straightforward: select the seats, provide the cell phone number, and pay online. After a couple of minutes, the ticket code or 2D scan code is send to your phone. Now all you need to do is, go to the theatre, print out the ticket on that kiosk with the code.


All of sudden in later 2009, when I browse some websites, I see the strange blue animals banners. It is human-like creature in another planet (looks awful similar to my cat). Ever since this movie is in theatre, it becomes literately the iPhone in Hollywood movie industry. It has been said this Avatar is an epic for movie industry. Somehow, I get the impression that this is a movie that you don't need 3D glasses to get the 3D effects. How cool is that! The director who directed the Titanic waited several years for the technologies readiness. It is all fantasy, no politic, so very quickly the movie is played now in China. It starts at midnight of Jan 4. I took half day off, booked the ticket online, and watched this 160 minutes long movie. The movie has three release format - IMAX, 3D and regular. I guess IMAX is the best option, but only in a IMAX theatre. I watched 3D version. The theatre staff hands out the glasses very carefully, saying that each glasses worthy 700CNY, break it ...

Happy New Year 2010

2010 is here. When I saw on TV all the people mountain people sea to celebrate new year countdown, in such as chilling weather, I knew I am not young. It is just another routine trip that the earth turns itself around. People wants to have a new start, give themselves a good timing for excuse, and think, let's start over and make some new year resolutions. Why I said so, do fishes know about it is 2010? They just swim in the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium. Go to bed at 10, and get up at 10. This is nice part, to have an extra day to oversleep.