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Showing posts from October, 2007


搞不懂, 这片子为什么在国内被禁. 被禁需要理由吗? 我觉得可能的原因-片子的色调太颓废了, 诬蔑祖国大好河山之苏州河, 或者周迅漏了三点之外的部分. 不过被禁也好,片子摄影拍的晃得很,在电影院看有吐的可能. 里头的那首<夜上海>很好听.


最佳故事片:《云水谣》 最佳编剧:张思涛、唐灏、张弛、胡坤(《东京审判》) 最佳导演:尹力(《云水谣》)、戚建(《天狗》) 最佳男主角:富大龙(《天狗》) 最佳女主角:颜丙燕(《爱情的牙齿》)、刘嘉玲(《好奇害死猫》) 最佳男配角:王霙(《我的长征》) 最佳女配角:小香玉(《鸡犬不宁》) 评委会特别荣誉奖:《我的长征》 终身成就奖:张瑞芳、《我的长征》编剧陆柱国 提到金鸡奖,最近复习了两部不错的中国电影。葛优和刘晓庆的演技的确无愧于奖项. 《芙蓉镇》 获民主德国电影家协会1989年发行影片最佳外国故事片评论奖。 第七届金鸡奖最佳故事片奖、最佳女主角奖获奖者(刘晓庆)、最佳女配角奖获奖者(徐宁)、最佳美术奖(金绮芬) 第26届卡罗维发利国际电影节水晶球奖. 《活着》 获法国戛纳第47届国际电影节评委会大奖、最佳男主角奖、人道精神奖 第13届香港电影"金像奖"10大华语片之一 全美国影评人协会最佳外语片 洛杉矶影评人协会最佳外语片 美国电影"金球奖"最佳外语片提名 英国全国"奥斯卡奖"最佳外语片奖

Counterfeit brand market

The market is located at basement level of Metro #2 station -Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. All the world famous brands are there, cloth, shoes, bags, watches, ... If you can't find them, asking the sales, they will show you in the 'secret room'. The secret room is usually hidden well in the back of the store. It is interesting that most of the customers are not Chinese. The catch is, I am guessing, if they wear fake Lacoste shirt, fake Puma shoes, and carry a fake LV in a foreign country, they might make themselves believe those are real and good deal.

Treatments for hepatitis C

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been approved several treatments for hepatitis C already: long-acting (pegylated) interferon combined with another drug called ribavirin (combination therapy) long-acting (pegylated) interferon by itself short-acting (standard) interferon with ribavirin Alternative and Complementary Therapies Milk thistle Licorice root Ginseng Dandelion Echinacea Thymus extract


郭富城中年开始走运, 拍了两部,得了两个影帝. 这是他的第三部. 讲述了一个C+级别的私家侦探, 从一个不起眼的照片找人开始, 一步步揭开了一个A级杀人分尸案的内幕. 电影拍得还是挺诡异恐怖的. 说到分尸案, 好像只有电影里会发生.其实不然, mitbbs的陈丹蕾事件,就是一个老婆杀人分尸的案子. 后来在新加坡, 也发生了一例. 新加坡男分尸打工的大陆情人的事情. 分尸的过程应该是个很复杂的工作, 把各个部分四处掩埋处理也不容易. 而且处理得不好, 很快就会露馅.


七大党章的修改确立了毛泽东思想为我党的指导思想 十五大:第一次把"邓小平理论"写入党章 1997年9月,党的十五大第一次使用"邓小平理论"的概念。会议通过的关于《中国共产党章程修正案》的决议,第一次把邓小平理论写入党章 十六大通过党章修正案 "三个代表"写入党章 十七大认为,十六大以来,党中央坚持以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,根据新的发展要求,集中全党智慧,提出了以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观。科学发展观,是对党的三代中央领导集体关于发展的重要思想的继承和发展,是马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现,是同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想既一脉相承又与时俱进的科学理论,是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针,是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。大会一致同意将科学发展观写入党章。

Colbie Caillat

Born 1985 Newbury Park, California, Flag of the United States United States Origin Malibu, California Genre(s) Acoustic, soul, folk, R&B Occupation(s) Singer-songwriter, disc jockey Instrument(s) Guitar, vocals Colbie Caillat (born 1985 in Newbury Park, California) is an American acoustic-folk singer-songwriter from Malibu, California. She is noted for her MySpace profile which led her to become the number one unsigned singer in her genre for four months. Her popularity on the social network was partially due to her song "Bubbly". Her profile has garnered over 17 million plays. Official site

The most annoying public habit surveyed in Shanghai

The top pick is smoking in public. I agree. Chinese still smoke a lot during eat out. 555 Classic (Tar 12mg, Nicotine 1.0mg) Marlboro Red (Tar 10mg, Nicotine 0.8mg) Lucky Strike Red (Tar 10mg, Nicotine 0.8mg) 555 Lights (Tar 8mg, Nicotine 0.8mg) Davidoff Lights (Tar 7mg, Nicotine 0.6mg) Mild Seven Lights (Tar 7mg, Nicotine 0.6mg) Dunhill Lights (Tar 6mg, Nicotine 0.6mg) Marlboro Lights (Tar 6mg, Nicotine 0.5mg)


国庆放七天假,好像很长的样子,可是没做什么,六天就过去了。早上起来,晃晃荡荡的就已经快中午了。决定去浦西逛一下。看有什么打折的衣服。上了地铁,人不多,还混了座。看见一对恋人,在亲密的共享一个冰期凌,你喂我,我喂你的。断背山里的两位看到,一定会感慨没有生在好时候。 中间换了此地铁线,终于到了百盛。里面正在搞每199减90的活动。一进商场,就被一片嗡嗡的噪音包围了。人山人海的,大家都在积极的选购。突然,一个分贝更高的声音吸引了大家的注意。一个年轻的小伙子,不知道为什么大怒,吵了起来。接着走。看见两个妹妹和一个高1米8的人在逛。所到之处,大家瞩目。那个高个的太特别了。看相貌,曲线,好像是个女的,不过喉结突出,又象个男的。这样的人,现在亚洲正流行。太有意思了。 看了一下衣服,打完折,还要7,8百的样子。简直就是抢钱啊。特别无耻的是,明明是韩国的破牌子,整个冒充成英伦经典名牌。转了半天,累得半死。回家洗洗睡了。

National Day Fireworks Show

There are lots of events around National holiday. Shanghai Tourist Festival, Special Olympics, and the week long holiday. Shanghai Pudong Century Park has fireworks show on Sep 30, Oct 3 and Oct 6. This time we are lucky. We can watch the fireworks for free, right in front of the balcony. The fireworks last for an hour. Splendid and amazing, the fireworks can show various color in various shape - rainbow, waterfall, smiley face, heart.

Singapore Cross Road Restaurant @ Shanghai Parkson Shopping Mall

After shopping at Parkson, we go to the 8th floor. There are 3 restaurants - Gino Italian Food, same chain as the one in LuJiaZui Super Brand Mall, one Szechuan cuisine, and this Singapore restaurant. There are not many customers inside. Just want to taste the Laksa again, we eat there. The Laksa soup is less tasty than the small food stall in Singapore. The rice noodle is not smooth. The Thai style pineapple fried rice is far below the expectation. The lamb shank is nice. Each dish costs about 30CNY. It is not authentic Singapore food. You can pass it. To taste southeastern food, you can try Thai Thai Kitchen instead.

Shanghai Wild Animal Zoo

The zoo is located in Shanghai Nanhui district. To take a cab from LongYang Road, the fare is 100CNY. The entrance ticket is 100CNY for adult, and 50CNY for child. The zoo is national 5A tourism attraction. It is divided into two parts - one for walking, you can feed small animals, watch the animal shows, see all kinds of cool animals, especially the small cubs. Animals are inside cages. Another is bus line. You take a bus, and animals are outside watching you. It is fun. Lions, tigers, and bears, all sit along the road, looking at the car curiously.