i bought my first apple laptop (as it is now, powerbook g4 1.33ghz, 768m ram, 60g hard disk, tiger os x, dvd/cd-rw combo, airport wireless, bluebooth, modem, ethernet, firewire, usb, and apple mouse ) in jan 2005 for usd 999, and also extra memory and mouse. it is shiny fine piece. after 3 months, the hard disk is dead. it is replaced free under the one year warranty. now it is 2 and half years old. the battery can hold almost no power. the combo drive has problem to emit and absorb the disk. i was trying to get the combo drive fixed. call the service center and get a quote around 2k - 3k cny. Jesus, forget about it. i was trying to open the case to replace the comebo drive myself. wow, read along http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Mac/PowerBook-G4-Al-12-Inch/53 .