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Showing posts from September, 2007


Put 1.3 billion people in one week holiday, you will get something like this. 9月30日~10月2日交通管制期间,2号线南京东路站实施封站,1、2号线人民广场站原则上实施封站,视特殊情况开站。交通管制前半小时: 1号线上海火车站(包括至3号线通道)、新闸路站、人民广场站、黄陂南路站、陕西南路站、徐家汇站(南商场除外)。 2号线中山公园站、人民广场站(包括华盛街地下商场及通道)、南京东路站、陆家嘴站、上海科技馆站。 3号线中山公园站关闭车站区域内一切商业网点营业活动。

Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4)

After 20 years of first Die Hard movie, detective John McClane (Bruce Willis) is over 50 years old. This round the terrorism criminal is again, as other typical Hollywood movies, a smart psycho insider. Funny the head of FBI is not white. Maggie Q is again, stereotype, an Asian kong-fu chick terrorist. Bruce is cool. Especially the part to fight with a F-35 Lightning II jet on highway.

House price is hot again

6 months ago, the house market in Shanghai seems stable. The price is steady. Nobody talks about house market. Now it is hot again. The CNY 12000/m2 area back 6 months ago is around CNY 18000/m2 now. The price increase gives house purchasers big psychological impacts. They are now waiting in line to grab one. Some new apartments on the market can sold out within a day.

Häagen-Dazs in Asia

I was so surprised when I first ate in Häagen-Dazs in Singapore. It is a restaurant, with mainly icecream served. The price is not cheap. The business is not as good as it is in Shanghai. I saw Häagen-Dazs restaurants in many shopping areas. One single scoop costs CNY28 (considering the M's Kids Meal is under CNY20). Order some special icecream dish or a cup of smoothie costs around CNY70. The price is about a main course, but it is just a disert. Even more interesting, it always packed, and you need wait in a line and to be seated. There is a joke in Shanghai - if you want to impress a girl, date her at Häagen-Dazs. I did saw a couple - the boy is handsome, and girl is extremely ugly! What a crazy world.

Syzygy Restaurant @ German Centre.

German Center is located at the corner of KeYuan Road and LongDong Blvd. As most of areas in ZhangJiang High-tech Park, easy to find an office building, hard to find a place to eat and buy a bottle of coke. The Syzygy Restaurant is located in German Centre. Name is special. Food is good. It even has its own website .

Daycare @ German Centre

As time goes by, German Centre has open several facility stores - convenience store, ticket office, flower store, coffee machine demo stand, even tailor shop. Now a new daycare is open. The price is CNY6000/month for a kid. There are about 6 or 7 kids now. Most of them are white. Some nannies are singlish speaking. The price is about 10 times as a local pulbic daycare.

Typhoon wipha

Yesterday it sounds serious. It rains heavily until the evening. Typhoon Wipha is reported heading Shanghai today. School is closed. People is evacuated. After yesterday evening, suddenly it is quite. No rain, a little bit of wind. I am excited to see what can happen this morning. Now it is after lunch, it is still quite, no rain, no wind. Whoo, Shanghai is safe this round.


中国古代科举制度之前, 有举孝廉之说. 能够成为孝廉, 就可能步入仕途. 最近中国也开始搞类似的活动, 搞全国道德模范的选举. 有意思.社会主义国家道德模范, 不知道是什么样的标准. 不过按照现在的社会现实, 标准不会太高. 否则也没必要搞这个活动了.

Free moon cake

Moon cake festival is coming. We got Ichido CNY198 moon cake voucher from company on Sep 14. The voucher will be expired on Sep 18. Ichido is chained and has one in Super Brand Mall (Zhengda Plaza). Apparently this store is not fully prepared with the volumn of vouchers. We went there on Friday, out of stock. Back again on Saturday, out of stock again. Damn, it sounds like cheating. Luckily company has contingency plan - collecting all the vouchers on Monday (Sep 17) and get moon cakes from Ichido in one shot. Still waiting my moon cakes. Frankly, why not just give us moon cakes instead of the vouchers at the beginning.

some traditional toys


去杭州玩, 租了自行车绕西湖,骑到后来快累死,经过这家店,西湖春天,在深圳吃过, 记得是味道很好的江浙菜。心想西湖边的西湖春天, 那岂不是更加正宗。点菜时候才发现,这里的主要是粤港菜为主。 西湖春天 地址:南山路101-17号(中国美院大厦对面) 简介:西湖春天,地段好,就在中国美术学院正对面。装潢"很有现代感",进门就能看见一道从三楼绵延而下的流水瀑布,配合着旁边晶莹剔... 菜系:粤港菜 江浙菜


看这名字起得多好。不仅名字好,地段也好,就在西湖边上 。里面的菜也很实惠,味道也不错。就是蚊子有点多。 天上人间 地址:湖滨路39号华侨饭店 菜系:江浙菜 西餐


虾肉小笼和虾肉馄饨也不错。还是杭州名小吃店。价格便宜, 中午排队买包子。 新丰小吃庆春路分店 地址:庆春路109号 简介:新丰小吃庆春路分店, 馄饨、小笼等风味小吃 菜系:小吃/面/快餐

New digital camera

One the trip to Hangzhou, my very robust and dependable Canon Powershot S200 failed. It has been very reliable. I just put it on my back poket, shot and go. The photo it took now looks like watercolor painting. To not miss the beauty of the West Lake, I bought my fourth digital camera - Nikon Coolpix S200 at Hangzhou GoMe electro supermarket. The whole set (camera/acc, 1G SD, carrying bag, extra battery, LCD screen) costs 1980 CNY. One thing interesting, the new one has the same model number S200 as the old one. The review - "Nikon's new Coolpix S200 is a stylish, ultra-compact and eminently pocketable 7 megapixel digital camera. The S200 is currently the smallest (3.6in/91.5 mm x 2.2in/56.5 mm), lightest (4.4 oz/125 g), and thinnest (0.76 inches/19mm) digital camera in Nikon's product catalog. The S200 is tough enough to go just about anywhere and simple enough to be used successfully by just about anyone. The snazzy little S200 (like the original Olympus Stylus) is th...

Apple and I

i bought my first apple laptop (as it is now, powerbook g4 1.33ghz, 768m ram, 60g hard disk, tiger os x, dvd/cd-rw combo, airport wireless, bluebooth, modem, ethernet, firewire, usb, and apple mouse ) in jan 2005 for usd 999, and also extra memory and mouse. it is shiny fine piece. after 3 months, the hard disk is dead. it is replaced free under the one year warranty. now it is 2 and half years old. the battery can hold almost no power. the combo drive has problem to emit and absorb the disk. i was trying to get the combo drive fixed. call the service center and get a quote around 2k - 3k cny. Jesus, forget about it. i was trying to open the case to replace the comebo drive myself. wow, read along .


13年前实习的时候,去杭州匆匆转了一圈。记得去了断桥,吃了西湖莼菜和醋鱼。感觉整个城市很舒适的样子。这次去,西湖依然是纯静迷人的,不过不是一成不变。西湖周围捡垃圾的多了。周围的商店也多了,不过档次实在是一般。人也变得浮躁的很。路上好车很多,进口的SUV (奥迪,奔驰,宝马,卡迪拉克)比比皆是,不过被出租车司机滴的很惨。那些出租车司机恨不得自己的车能飞起来。大家都玩命的抢路。杭州的餐馆,吃了几家,装潢得很棒,味道也不错,价格好像也还可以。总之就是山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休的背后,也无可奈何的透露出贫富差距的拉大。


we take the new crh(china railway highspeed) to hangzhou. the trip is about 1 hour and 15 minutes from shanghai south railway station to hangzhou. the ticket price is 54cny. the taxi from longyang road to shanghai south railway station is 50cny. the train is bullet shaped, even the waiting lodge in station is separated from other normal trains. when arrived, we found out our digital camera was broken. damn. the hotel booked on ctrip is 4-star zhejiang media hotel. from the name, you can guess it is related to some broadcasting and tv entities. the hotel is about 5-minute walking distance from west lake. we booked a family suite. the suite is spacious, with one 1.6m mattress and one 1.3m. it will be a perfect one if it has a window! well, nothing can be better than home beds. day one, we eat a little bit on the train, and take some bites in a bar on the lake. hop on a sightseeing boat for 45cny, we head for the small islet in the middle of west lake, and later another bigger islet...

google sketchup


因为张江站是地铁二号线的首发站,大家都想最快挤上地铁,好抢个座位。等车区没人,大家都在上下车的位置等着。我因为只坐一站,也不用参与这个挤车抢座的活动。什么先下后上,没人理. 这几天天气凉快了,大家火气好像反而旺了起来。 前天是男青年甲和男中年乙因为抢着上推推搡搡了起来。本来男青年占优势,不知道怎么冒出来另外两个男青年丙,丁。对男青年甲发起迅雷不及掩耳的攻击。男青年甲被打蒙了,打电话报警,然后就在下一站下了。 昨天是几个大妈,本来来的晚,可是挤车水平一流。先蹭边,等车来了,竟相互推着冲到了前面。第一批进了地铁。搞得一个下车的男青年甲郁闷的不行,指责一个上车的男青年乙。男青年乙也很郁闷,本来在前面,被几个大妈抢了先。自己反被指责,推搡了几下。幸好大家一个上,一个下,方向不同。没打起来。

prospect theory

- in the scenario to gain, normal fools avoid risk - in the scenario to loss, normal fools take risk - normal fools judge gain or loss based on the reference point - normal fools are loss aversion

nautica brand shop@zhengda plaza

the nautica polo shirt in the shop is priced at more than cny 600. this is robbery. a similar style baleno brand shirt costs cny 80. i bought some nautica shirts at santa anita malls, and outlet on the way to las vegas. the price is about usd 30, or around cny 250. this brand's price in china is just way too much, oh, considering it is made in china, right here!

安意如 - 人生若只如初见

从文章看(1984年翁美玲自杀事件,她还没有出生),作者竟然只有22,23岁的样子。年纪轻轻的 ,写的东西透着怨妇吟的味道,幽幽的。在网上找了一下,果然是残疾, 否则很难这样的年龄写出这样的东西。 由于先天性的脑瘫,安意如的小脑运动神经失调,四肢没有平衡性。小时候自卑,不愿拄着拐杖走在大街上。为了让她心理健全,父母都没有要第二个孩子。现在她面对公众和媒体很坦然,早就不自卑了,"生活哪能像人们想的那样事事如意,就像我的身体。"她笑着诠释了笔名涵义是"安能如意"。目前除了很爱护她的男生在身边、感情已有着落外,她还计划明年去印度和越南采风,向往着晚年不再漂泊、安逸舒适的宁静生活



gino italian restaurant@zhengda plaza

zhengda plaza is currently the only shopping center in lujiazui area, right next to metro station and oriental pearl tower. since it is next to huangpu river, some restaurants have great view. pizza hut is one of them. gino italian restaurant is located on 5th floor. the deco is nice, the food is fresh and good, even better, the kid meal comes along with a cute shaped radio. the only part makes you don't want to come back again is - the waiters there have poor performance. they just put the dish at the table corner, never bother to ask whose it is and set it correctly. if you ask extra utensil, they grab it for you but not very happy.