Singapore has a special electric traffic tolling system - ERP. I need pay twice from my home to office. The charge is about $4 every day, not cheap! With all the money collected, the road can certainly improve better than now. Some examples - If you drive south from Upper Bukit Timah, you can easily miss the PIE . The road diverge before PIE and the sign to PIE is posted after the road is diverged. If you are in fast lane, you will miss it! Now driver further to AYE, you see the sign leading to AYE, you begin to accelerate so you can merge into expressway traffic. suddenly, there is a sign "Yield". It is not AYE yet, but a road parallel to AYE with traffic from right coming. What you can do is brake hard and stop. The sign is also very poorly posted. Most sign on expressway is located on the right, some are hiden under the tree. Most of time, the large size trucks are on that lane which totally block the view of the road sign from fast lane drivers. You better study the map ...
Integration of Knowledge and Action (知行合一)by wandering around the world