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Showing posts from July, 2005

Install and start legacy C binary with Java Web Start (JWS)

1. Use jar to package the legacy binary into platform dependent jar files. Use jarsigner to sign the binary package jar file Before using jarsigner, you may need create some keystore with keytool. Some examples are: keytool -genkey -keystore abc.ks -alias abc -validity 365 keytool -genkey -keystore securityKM.ks -alias master -validity 365 keytool -selfcert -keystore securityKM.ks -alias master -validity 365 keytool -export -file securityKM.cert -keystore securityKM.ks -alias master -v keytool -printcert -file securityKM.cert keytool -import -file securityKM.cert -alias master -keystore abc.ks keytool -list -keystore abc.ks 2. Prepare the JNLP file with platform dependent resource properties. An example as: 3. Client click the JNLP and download the jar file. Using the code below to load and unpack binary String os = System.getProperty(""); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); URL url; int n; byte[] b = new byte[8092]; InputStream is; FileOu...

Set up Quicknet LineJACK in RH7.1 Kernel 2.4.14

As ixj module changes, I have tried to install Quicknet LineJACK in another Linux box, this time it is much more smooth. Here are some hints: 1. You need to get the latest ixj module from Even ixj module in kernel 2.4.14 doesn't work. When you try `modprobe ixj`, you will get error somthing like: "/lib/modules/2.4.14/kernel/drivers/telephony/ixj.o: init_module: Operation not permitted Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters..." 2. As mentioned in the HOWTO below, "Do not include Quicknet Telephony driver support, either as a module or built-in, as this will overwrite the new module if the kernel is ever recompiled" 3. Because of Linux bugfix, you may experience error during compilation the ixj code. You need change a line in ixj.c from "#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020409" to "#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020409". Is it becaus...

Install IDS tripwire on Fedora Core 3

1. Download You can download the RPM source or RPM from wget extras/3/SRPMS/tripwire-2.3.1-21.src.rpm wget extras/3/i386/tripwire-2.3.1-21.i386.rpm These RPMs above have a small problem. It doesn't include the, which is convenient for tripwire installation. You can find the from previous version. For example wget 1/i386/SRPMS.testing/tripwire-2.3.1-18.fdr.3.1.src.rpm 2. Compilation (if you download the source RPM) rpmbuild --rebuild tripwire-2.3.1-21.src.rpm rpmbuild --rebuild tripwire-2.3.1-18.fdr.3.1.src.rpm 3. Installation 3.1 Install old RPM to get If you just compiled the source RPM, run rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/tripwire-2.3.1-18.fdr.3.1.i386.rpm Or rpm -Uvh tripwire-2.3.1-18.fdr.3.1.i386.rpm Now you need copy /etc/tripwire/ to somewhere. cp /etc/tri...

MCSE Windows 2000 Server Personal Study Guide -- 70217

AD support DNS, LDAP v2/v3, LDIF, DHCP, HTTP, SNTP, Kerberos 5 All domains in a Tree share a common schema, common Global Catalog All trees in a Forest share a common schema, common Global Catalog, but have different naming structure DC immediately replicates important changes in AD such as user account is disabled DC multimaster replication means DC are peers, no single master AD generates ring topology to ensure one path is down, it still can be replicated • Distinguished Name – DN • Relative DN – RDN • GUID – unique 128-bit ID assigned to an object when created, never change • User Principal Name – UPN Default in Win2000, AD in a tress is implicit 2-way trust Default in WinNT4, explicit one-way nontransitive trust • WinNT4 • Win2000 domains in a separate forest • Win2000 domains and MIT Kerberos 5 Keep your organization in a single domain if possible, add OU. Under certain conditions, you need create new domains: • Massi...

MCSE Windows 2000 Server Personal Study Guide -- 70216

.com .edu .org .net .gov .mil .num – phone # .arpa – reverse DNS .us .cc Look up host 1. HOSTS 2. DNS cache 3. DNS db 4. NetBIOS 5. WINS 6. Broadcast 7. LMHOSTS Look up FQDN 1. HOSTS 2. DNS cache 3. DNS db 4. pass up until found, the reverse DNS PTR records is By default it is caching-only DNS server, needs lots of RAM, response from cache or pass to other DNS server (Root Hints), no zone transfer overhead. ipconfig /displaydns ipconfig /flushdns BIND – Berkeley Internet Name Domain BIND must support SRV records Root name server acts as Start of Authority SOA for the zone and top-level server in the domain. It contains “.” domain and thus can’t be a forwarder. SOA is the first record in the DB. • Serial number – versioning • Primary server • Email address – use . symbol instead of @ • Sec...