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Showing posts from January, 2006

Foggy City Xi'an

I am surprised to see the fog weather is so common in China now. The fog seems getting worse and worse especially in northern China. Lots of major cities are reported with foggy weather. It brings great inconvenience during the Chinese New Year. The highways are closed. Planes can't land on time.


决定回家过年了. 早早定了机票. 新加坡到西安来回SGD671. 早上5:30出了门, 开始了回家的旅程. 在章宜机场买了免税的中华香烟, 8:30AM坐BOEING 757起飞, 小不拉几的飞机. 中午到了广州. 到了广州, 才被告知从广州到西安的航班从4:30PM延迟到7:30PM. 在机场里开始了无聊而漫长的等待. 还算有人性. 机场给了水, 下午还给了盒饭. 这国内的机场, 简直就是宰人的地方. 里头吃饭的地方, 大概没有关系是开不了的. 中午吃了RMB80的炒米粉, 喝了一听RMB20的饮料. 好容易熬到了太阳下山. 疲惫不堪的乘客上了BOEING 777. 大概延误了几帮人, 调了个大飞机过来. 9点多到了咸阳机场. 这一延误, 回家的机场大巴也没了. 坐着到西安的机场大巴去了西安. 车上的服务员可真是热情. 详细给大家介绍了一下西安. 让人看着就觉得亲热. 旁边一个姑娘, 一路狂打手机, 声如洪钟, 大概和对方在讨论什么几元钱的事情, 透着那么股子俗气. JB, 我操的穿插其中, 听着那么熟悉. 在西安睡了一晚, 第二天一大早兴高采烈的打的到西安长途汽车站. 人也是熙熙攘攘的. 上了豪华大巴, 汽车晃荡到了三桥西宝高速公路的地方, 雾大到了N米内看不见任何东西, 高速也封了. 又开始了一个漫长的等待. 一直到下午1点, 在大家的骂的都没力气的时候, 高速终于开了. 下午4点, 经过了35小时的春运旅途, 终于到了宝鸡.

Lo Hei and Two Mandarin Oranges

Two interesting phenomenas around Chinese New Year in Singapore. I experience them for the first time. Lo Hei - it is a plate with shredded vegetables and fishes. Family members and friends gather around the table, toss the shredded vegetables as high as possible, and wish for good fortune and happiness. After the tossing, the table looks a little messy. Who cares, it also means we have overflowing food. Two Mandarin Oranges - it is token of good luck during Chinese New Year visiting. I was wondering, why just two, not a whole box of Mandarin Oranges? It costs less than SGD15. Now I know there is a special meanings.


新加坡1月19日上演 . 从来没见过电影院里坐的这么满. 电影本身故事平淡无味, 毫无悬念. 象很多回忆录一样, 试图从一个人的视野去展现所处的时代的变迁, 这一点 没有做到. 艺妓的真实生活是什么样的, 也没有做到. 故事是白人眼中的东方故事. 这大概也是日本人不满的原因把. 在白人的眼里, 亚洲人长的似乎都一样. 杨紫琼, 巩俐不知道哪里象日本人, 更不要说神秘的日本艺妓了. 大概演蒙古的公主比较合适. 巩俐就更是表演夸张得象个十足的怨妇娼妓. 让人难以置信她演的是一个当时有名的艺妓. 不过作为一个过气的, 以演绎旧中国村妇闻名世界的演员, 来演艺妓实在是有点难为她. 我想她也尽其所能了. 女主角章子仪和少年时代的Suzuka Ohgo是让 活起来的亮点, 特别是少年时代的Suzuka Ohgo, 让人信服的感受到一个无所依靠, 渴望关心和幸福的纯真善良的少女. 章子仪的演绎也不愧获得金球奖的最佳女主角提名. 让人感受到了东方人含蓄绵长的情感世界. 电影里有个镜头, 就是艺妓可以只用一个眼神, 就让路上的陌生男人心仪. 小百合做到了, 章子仪也做到了. 电影本身没有什么好看的. 但是一部日本艺妓的电影, 竟然里头的三个艺妓都是华人出演, 就这一点就够奇的. 特别是章子仪, 因为这个电影被国内骂的狗血喷头. 看了片子, 觉得她有些冤枉. 里头那个艺妓出卖初夜权的情节(mizuage), 历史上还真有这么个仪式,不过电影里也强调的过分了. 祝愿章子仪能获得Oscar最佳女主角. 希望Suzuka Ohgo能获得Oscar最佳女配角提名. Suzuka Ohgo (copyright


Laksa is a very distinct and tasty dish in Singapore. I heard of it only after I came to Singapore. Just after a couple of times tries, I love it very much. Laksa looks very gravy and spicy. It has rice noodle, fried tofu, fishball slice, maybe egg, served in rich coconut milk, curry, and pawn soup, and decorated with laksa leaf. Give it a try when you have the chance. It is much better in taste than the so called famous Singapore National Dish - Hainan Chicken Rice. However, Laksa is really not a health food. It is high in cholesterol. Keep it moderate in your daily diet.

Disney to buy Pixar

Disney is going to buy Pixar for $6.7B. This is a smart move after Disney made the first so-so CG movie Chicken Little . If Disney doesn't buy Pixar, the honeymoon is over. Pixar sooner or later will be bought by some other big fishes. (Paramount bought DreamWorks for $1.6B) 20 years ago, Steve Jobs bought the CG division from LucasFilm for $10M. Now Pixar worths $7B.


自打2005年12月30日, 一个号称"孙维声明"的ID在国内最流行的天涯论坛发了 自白贴 , 十年前的这一悬而未决的事件, 又在网上轰轰烈烈的展开了. 而且不象前几次, 这一次, 势头越来越猛, 以至于国内的平面媒体也参加了进来. 北美最大的留学生论坛MITBBS的清华版, 也一天没停的讨论到了今天. 虽然越来越多的相关人员跳了出来, 事情好象很难讨论清楚. 这不, 今天不知道从哪里来了指示, 天涯论坛有关的贴子全删了. MITBBS也当了(据说是系统升级, 鬼才信).

Ate a Raw Oyster

I ate a raw oyster for the very first time. Raw oyster is very popular food in Singapore. It is an expensive treat too. Some people love it. I usually pass it and most other raw seafood. Today I went out for lunch with my colleagues. I tried the first Oyster. It tasts soft, slippery, with the raw seafood smell. I just can't swallow it, and give up. Second try, I put lots of saurce and spicy, and just swallowed it with any chewing. Oyster riches in Iron, Zinc, Calcium and Vitamin A. Some believe it is related to aphrodisiac (sexual performance enhancement:). Oh, Yah! Photo Copyright © 2005 David Monniaux

2005 China Network Media Academy Award

Not sure what academy this is. Anyway, if you are interested in Chinese Blog. Some of the winners maybe worth a click. 2005年中国网络传播学院奖之第二届全球中文博客大赛最终赛果 年度学院大奖 英语之家 最佳原创博客 Ruixi 最佳评论博客 诗哲魂 最佳图片博客 小蚂蚁的e 生活 最佳播客 反波 十大博客人物 狗日报 按摩乳 顺风 韩浩月 王建硕 诗哲魂 水中的仙子 北京女病人 网络奇情男子 梦中的梦

2006 Gloden Globe Awards

Lee Ang is nominated and won the Best Director! He is very humble on the stage. It is a glory for all Chinese. It is not an easy run, considering years ago, after he graduated, he was jobless in US for about 6 years. His wife trusted him and supported him. Zhang Ziyi is nominated as Best Actress for her role in Geisha. Her dress reminds me iPod Mini somehow. Kung Fu Hustle is nominated as Best Foreign Movie. Promise (puke) too.

NTU Staff Housing

NTU provides housing for foreigners and permenant residents who don't own a house in Singapore. Since the staff housing is located within campus and the rent is cheaper than outside, the staff housing is highly demanded. NTU staff housing has several locations and styles to choose from. Condo, house, apartment.

Driving Expense in Singapore

As usual, I drive to work every weekdays. Besides this, some driving for grocery and fun after work. After 6 months, the odometer reads 10,000Km. The road toll schema is called ERP in Singapore. It is an electric gate above the road. Every car has IU with cashcard installed. The ERP gate detects the IU and deducts the tool. Depends on the time, the ERP toll fee varies. If you are unlucky, not enough cash in the card, or forgot to insert the cashcard, there is a SGD10 fine. Every weekdays to work, I need pass 2 ERP gates and pay twice. It is about SGD4. So far, I only paid twice SGD10 fines :) Depends on where you park, the parking fee varies. If you park in HDB, there is normally a SGD90 monthly parking fee. I don't need pay this part so far as I live in a private owned building block. Nearby Suntec City area, I pay SGD220/month for parking. Shopping malls usually charge based on $1-2/hour. Every week I visit gas station once. The cost is around SGD65. There are lots of gas station...

It Cools Down

It has been rainning heavily for 4 days. Everything smells and feels moisty and wet. Finally it cools down to about 25C degree. I am able to sleep without air-con on. I wish it lasts longer. Singapore is a wonderful place, if it is not too hot and humid.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals are essential elements that our bodies need in order to function properly. Our body needs vitamins and minerals in small amounts. We need some other nutrients in larger amounts e.g. proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamins are considered essential as the body needs them to function properly, and you don’t feel hungry when they slowly drain. The major vitamins are divided into two categories. One category is “water-soluble vitamins” and the other is “oil-soluble vitamins.” Water-soluble vitamins must be taken daily because they are not stored in the body, but are excreted rather quickly, especially in a tropical place like Singapore. Examples of water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C and vitamin B (B-Complex Vitamins). Oil-soluble vitamins are stored longer in the body’s fatty tissue and in the liver. Oil soluble vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Vegetarians need consume enough oil to help adsorption of oil-soluble vitamins. It is ofte...

BlogChina Cuts 1/3 Staff

Just a month ago, Fang Xin Dong was interviewed on Phonex TV. He was so optimized on blog business model then. Now BlogChina let 1/3 of its staff go. Blog and its targeted ads won't generate enough profit, because it is very personal. It is rule number one.

Derailed Movie

The movie Derailed sure has its plot. It has the interesting twist. Until the Charles realizes he is in a sexual scam, the plot is convincing. After this point, the plot itself is derailing and not convincing anymore. However, it has the common ending that makes us love Hollywood movie. Bad guy with bad end, good guy with good end, within or out of the law.

Funan IT Mall

Funan IT Mall is the one stop IT shopping center in Singapore. It has the asian popular brand stores of SONY, HP, Sumsung, Apple, etc. It also has the popular electronic chain store such as Harvey Norman, Courts, and best of best, Challenge superstore. However, there is a problem. All the stores are selling more or less the same stuff. No distinction. No specialization. No theme. All stores are the same boring. Another IT Mall is Sim Lim Square. But the rumor related to Sim Lim Square on the internet is very bad. Cheating, bossing and hacking. I have no plan to go. If I want to buy something, I will visit Harvey Norman or Courts. Good enough for me.


不得不佩服. 网络时代,大家YY的空间是无可限量的.


新加坡以华人居多, 占70%多. 大部分是广东福建过来的后代. 过去由于中国和新的经济差距比较大, 瞧不起从中国来的现象还是存在的, 现在几乎没有. 新加坡人对外来的华人都是很友善的. 毕竟是同根同种嘛. 新加坡人的中文名字按照福建的发音, 和汉字是很难对在一起, 比如Ng是黄, Koh是许. 有人名字叫Chew Shit Fun. 汗! 新加坡人一般都会中英文. 英语是著名的 Singlish , 不过可以理解. 中文是磕磕绊绊, 不过也可以理解. 新加坡人的长相也有本地的特色. 大概是和东南亚人种交融的结果. 不过女的还是挺好看的.因为天气炎热, 新加坡人穿衣也容易. 一年就一季. 男的以衬衫西裤为主. 女的则穿着随意. 正式场合也是裙子, 光脚穿凉鞋或者拖鞋. 打扮到是很不错. 走亚洲流行的白嫩皮肤, 黑色衣服潮流. 身材苗条修长, 不少女的个子也很高.可以大饱眼福了. 哈! 新加坡和大多数亚洲国家一样, 家长对孩子的学习很重视, 自然儿童的学习任务就比较重. 戴眼睛的小朋友特别的多. 就人口比例而言, 新加坡戴眼睛的也是世界第一呢! 不过好象长大工作后, 都该戴隐形眼睛了, 反而不象学生那么多眼睛. 按照现在的医疗水平, 近视是不会自动痊愈的. 所以不是戴眼睛的小朋友学习比较好, 大都出国深造, 就是改戴隐形眼睛了. 大部分新加坡人以公共交通为主, 虽然比较耗时, 但是公共交通还是很方便的. 最近几年, 由于买车的COE在下调, 不少人也开始打买车的主意了. 因为天气热, 在家作饭的很少. 几乎都在外面买着吃. 大排挡, 食阁散布全岛, 多的不行. 价格也便宜, 选择比起美国来也多的多. 说到吃饭, 新加坡人有个习惯. 不知道为什么, 他们觉得放碗的托盘(TRAY)很干净. 经常将筷子, 叉勺直接放在上面. 那个托盘不是吃饭的时候用来吐脏东西的吗?

Pasadena Old Town

Pasadena is a small city nearby Los Angels. It is world famous for the California Institute of Technology and the New Year Rose Parade. It is a quite, safe, clean, and friendly city. Around this area, house is very expensive. A small house along the main street is asked for USD 600K in 2005. Except house, expense on everything else in this area is moderate. New Chinatown San Gabriel, Hollywood, LA, Long Beach, Santa Monica Beach, Universal Studio, Disneyland, everything is within the reach.

Disney Alike Toy in China

It looks and plays as a very nice Disney brand toy. It sold as RMB30, about USD4. Look closely. The Pooh is called Mr. Bear. The brand is not Disney at all. There are lots of merchandises, especially on kids' toys and clothes. It looks like some famous brand, or at least remind you to believe, but not the same thing at all. Some are just using the design directly. Some are smarter, and the characters looks alike but not the same.

My Daughter's Drawing