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Showing posts from December, 2005


Merlion, Fort Siloso, Beach, Underwater World, Dolphin Lagoon, Musical Fountain, Sentosa is the biggest island resort besides the Singapore main island. The entrance fee is $2 per person plus $2 per vechicle. The transportation inside is free. The beach is nice and clean.


作者:孙维声明 提交日期:2005-12-30 22:18:00 1994年我的同学朱令铊中毒,且因治疗不当导致终身致残,震惊中外。我非常同情朱令和他的家人,也和千百万善良的人们一样,希望帮助朱令,并期望早日找出中毒的原因。当时我也曾和其他同学一起参加了一些挽救朱令生命的活动。两年后我被卷入此案,公安机关经过了一年多调查最终解除了对我的怀疑。      对这件事这些年来网上时有传播。许多人一直在想方设法帮助朱令,同时也愤怒地要求缉拿和惩罚凶手,其中关于我的流言很多,但多年来我一直保持沉默。因为我相信清者自清,对于那些先入为主的人,我就是再解释,恐怕也是“疑人偷斧”。去年网上甚至指名道姓地说我是凶手,我当时很想站出来解释,但又考虑毕竟案子没破,朱令如何中毒仍然是个迷。想象的空间是无限的,如果有人认定我是凶手,任何解释都会激发出新的怀疑,引来更激烈的讨论和更多的谣言,这是被冤屈者的共同悲哀!于是我决定继续沉默。一些了解情况的朋友气愤地想帮我反驳时,我和家人都劝阻了。      但是最近网络上关于我的谣言愈演愈烈,甚至沉默本身也成为了疑点。不断有身边的朋友、熟人向我询问。我不可能一一解释,而且事情这么复杂,不是一句两句能说清楚的,口口相传、断章取义又不知道会演绎出什么版本,特别是出现了心怀叵测的谎言,使我不得已决定针对看到过的流言作一些必要的声明。      我是清白无辜的。我也是朱令案件的受害人。      事情十分复杂,涉及的人和部门很多,为了避免给别人带来麻烦或尴尬,我隐去案件中除我和朱令之外其他人的姓名。但对牵涉到的单位和部门,我不可能完全规避,实属无奈。      今后我不打算参与网上网下的讨论、辩论和答疑,只希望过平静而普通的生活,不被打扰。当然我保留维护自己正当权益的权利。      我对文中提及事实的真实性负法律责任。      另外,我发现天涯上有两个ID,分别为“孙维”和“sunwei”,似乎注册后从未使用过,在此声明与我无关。         一 我被无辜卷入朱令中毒案件      朱令94年底生病,一直不能确诊,一度病危,95年4月底北大的一名同学来到我们宿舍告诉我们说朱令被确诊为铊中毒,他们收到太多的电邮回信,希望我们帮忙翻译。我和另外两名同班同学马上去报告了系领导,并和其他几个女生一起连夜翻译。随后学校保卫处和派出所开始了解情况,我和同宿舍、班...

Sexy Lingerie Models

Fountain of Wealth - the Largest Water Fountain in the World

Fountain of Wealth in Suntec City Mall has been accorded the status of "World's Largest Fountain" in the 1998 edition of the Guinness Book of Records. The fountain is surrounded by 5 buildings. The 5 buildings represent 5 elements - Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. It also a symbol of hand. The Fountain of Wealth is in the middle, which is collecting the wealth.

The World Highest Man-Made Waterfall In Jurong Bird Park

In Singapore Jurong Bird Park, there is the highest man-made waterfall in the world. It is over 30 meters. Before you go, be sure to apply mosquito repeller.

DFS Galleria

Nearby Orchard Road, but not on the Orchard Road, there is a DFS Galleria store. Boutique and luxury, fashion and leather, duty-free liquor/tobacco are sold here. GUCCI, LOUIS VUITTON, PRADA, OMEGA, Dior, Cartier, TIFFANY & CO., BURBERRY, COACH, DKNY, Dunhill, MONTAGUT, Polo Ralph Lauren, and lots of duty free cigarette brands. The mechandise is very attractive. The price is not attractive at all. Even though it says the price is cheaper as much as 20% than it is in China. On the way to Las Vegas, there are some malls. The Nautica, Tommy and Ralph Lauren are really in a price you can't resist to buy.

Round-About and Emergency Light

Round About - Rarely saw this kind of road in US. The rule is always let the vehicle on your right go first. But in real, be careful, it is not that simple. Every entrance has 3 potential directions. Some drivers may not follow the rule and try to beat the right. On the map ( © StreetDirectory), it is under the AYE freeway. This Round About can also be in local traffic. It is even worse. Some cars may just stop anywhere as their convenience with Emergency Light on. Emergency Light - The signal that both right and left turn signal is blinking on the car. It suppose to be used only in emergency. Not the case in Singapore. All taxi drivers and many other drivers love to use it when they want to stop anywhere. The most shit one is stopping in the lane during the rush hour. There are only 2 lanes and traffic is heavy. However, you can't tell, because the emergency light is on, if it is an emergency or not.

No Online Shopping Here

Because Singapore is such a small island, and people do enjoy the crowd and air-con in the shopping malls, no online shopping here. Some online bookstores are history. Ebay Singapore, not sure how is it, but as an EBayer in US, I never use EBay Singapore. In US, more and more people are online shopping. I enjoy it too. The selection is large and good, the price usually is very attractive, some even offer free shipping within the continental, the customer service is the best in the world. My friends told me the online business is also booming in China. People are buying books, booking trips online. Online shopping do save the hassle if you know what you want to buy already. One example is StreetDirectory . It provides very informative Singapore locale maps. The site is trying to create some online profit, but I doubt it works. The publications from StreetDirectory are enough. I wish Google or Yahoo can sponsor this site and make it faster. It is just too slow now.

Zhang Ziyi - A Chinese Movie Star

From her first debut in "My Parents", Zhang Ziyi is recognized by international movie industry. The "Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon" brings her to the front stage by Director Li An. Afterwards, she also acts in top buzz movies such as "Rush Hours II", "The House of Flying Dagger", "2046", and recently, the most ambitious and most controversial movie "Geisha". I haven't watched the "Geisha" movie. In the previous movies, I can't really say she is a good actress. All her characters are cool, no expression pussycat. But she is the only one in the loop. Other Chinese actresses can express their no interests in Hollywood but once get a role, become a happy girl with a candy. She is also a very special actress, especially considering she was born and brought up in China. She doesn't give a damn to her Chinese colleagues' comments. Many Chinese actors and actresses think she is too ambitious and aggessive, b...

Holiday Season in Orchard Road

Orchard Road has lots of department store and upscale malls. You can buy any kinds of world famous brands here. I was hoping there is some holiday sale. Not really. Even after 20% off, some luxury items are still very expensive. Anyway, Orchard Road doesn't lack the smell of holiday. X'mas tree, deco, and lots of people.

Lucky Rhino

Watched on Animal Planet channel, to get laid, a male Rhino tries very hard, steps on its own shit to mark the territory, horny to femaie Rhino to get lucky. Unfortunately the female only has one baby Rhino every 3 years, and not so interested in this business. The male sometimes gets so frustrated, and kicks around other small animals. Even the male Rhino gets lucky, because of the clumsy size, it falls off from female's back. LOL.

Changi Airport

Changi Airport is the one of the best airports in Asia. Even it is not that large compared to some others, the good thing is you won't get lost. It has 2 terminals. Terminal one seems older, most Asian airline landed here. I went there last Sunday at 5AM. It takes about 30-45 minutes to drive from NTU (west of Singapore) to Changi Airport (east of the country) on PIE. Terminal 2 is more modern and beautiful. There are lots of deco, especially the beautiful orchid flowers. There are many duty-free shops as well. Singapore Airline landed on terminal two. The airport will give you a good impression about Singapore's hot and humid weather. When the automatic door slides, and you are standing outdoor for the first time in this country, you will feel it :) After a week, you will get used to it.

Why Globalization is important?

For a person just stay in one place, it is not important at all. But if you travel and immigrate around, globalization is good. Some Chinese smokers are so used to some Chinese brand, and they can take other countries brand. However, if you smoke Marlboro Light, you can have it anywhere in the world. If you come to a new place, and don't have too much experience on food, you can always go into McDonald's and have a bite. The M sign is all around the world, and price more or less the same. Globalization here really sounds like Americanization.

Blog Pioneer in China

Last night I watched an interview program about Fang Xing Dong, "a pioneer in blog". Blog is phenomena, popular. It seems a new business source. The plan is to host a free webservice, everyone can post his/her dairy. Once the user base is good enough, the service provider can insert some target ads, hoping to get some revenue from it. One of the largest blog hosting site, yah, the current one I am using, was bought by google, and you can easily insert the google adsense. If your blog is attracting, you may get popular and rich. It is possible, google is a best example how it works. Why blog is so popular? Because people like to expose themselves, if it is not too embarrassing :) At the same time, people like to peek others' life, if it is not too embarrassing. Internet is a good stuff.

Running Mac OS X on your PC, soon!

Back on June, Apple decide to switch to Intel x86 architecture. There are rumors floating on the internet now that the latest Mac OS X can be installed on x86 based PC. It is beautiful. I like Mac OS X very much, but frown on Apple hardware and price. Now at least I have a choice. ©ZDNet

Chicken Little Movie Sucks

Several years ago, Disney Animation doesn't think 3D CG can't too much on animation movie. They sold Pixar and signed a contract to outsourcing the 3D movie. Since then, Disney doesn't produce any good animation, either in traditional or state-of-art CG 3D animation. What they do is repackaging the old classic animation, and cloning the original ideas of Walt Disney. So they release something like LK I 1/2, LK II, Mulan II, Cinderella II, and so on. Pixar and DreamWorks are making the new world of animation. Kids just love them, and every movie is a hit. The kindly monster Shrek, the clown fish Nemo, Woody and Buzz. Although Pixar movie is labeled with Disney. I believe it is Pixar only. Last time I heard, the Burbank Disney Animation was in bad shape, and let people go. Someone in Disney finally decide to make its own 3D CG animation, as Pixar is soon out of contract with Disney and on its own journey. The ambiguous movie is called Chicken Little, a.k.a The Sky is Falling....

New Look and Some Hacks

The current blog interface use the template Rouders. Googled and Some hacks are done after that: Hide the top navigation bar In Template tab, click Edit Current, and add the following code btween style #b-navbar { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none } Add Google Adsense Apply account at . Copy/Paste the code into your current template. Create the list of posts on current page It is useful in case you have a lot of posts on every month. The visitor clicks the Archive of the month, and is able to select from the list. Add the following code on your template side bar. Add Counter I use SiteMeter ( ). Apply an account, and the site will insert the code for you automatically.

Unique Cigarette Box in Singapore

Singapore is a country strongly against smoking. A pack of Marlboro Light costs SG$11. Other brand's price is more or less the same. In the neighbor Malaysia, a pack of Marlboro Light costs about SG$2-3. On every box, there is a disgusting picture related to smoking and strong warning sign. Because it is expensive, you can hear from news now and then someone get caught when trying to smuggling some cigarettes in. The custom is very strict on cigarette. Normally, at least in US and China, 2 cartons of cigarette are exempt of tax. In Singapore, no tax exempt cigarette allowed. You will face high fine if you want to try and get caught. However, you can carry an opened box of cigarette free of tax when passing custom. Around country, almost anywhere has air-con is smoking prohibited. Still, there are many people smoking. Yes, quit smoking now. quit it now if you can.